Friday, July 18, 2008

Disappointment from the Balcony/My Nico Obsession

Sure, the designers look happy here, but dear Lord, did the Project Runway premiere SUCK. And yes, in all caps.

No one stood out to me to be someone to connect with. Of the bat last season, I loved Kit and Christian (by the way, I was psyched to see Kit in the Saturn commercial). I liked Alison third season, pretty much all in the 2nd, and of course, Austin in the 1st. But, here, there was no one.

Blayne had to be the most eccentric, but I knew right then and there he was on pot, crack, or something of the sort. And Jerry's outfit...oh my gosh, it freaked me out!! And I have to agree with Michael and Nina: it's something Christian Bale's character from American Psycho would adore.

The funniest part was when Stella pulled out her garbage bags, and she was all, "OH SHIT! IT LOOKS LIKE GARBAGE!" That's when I started laughing because of the obvious irony and her sheer stupidity. And they cut to her talking in that little room and said, "IT WAS TRASH! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!" Well, I could. You bought trash bags. It was in the name!

And then, she was complaining up until the last five minutes of the challenge when she started to work, and right before the commercial break, they went to her commentary, and she's wearing these god-awful pigtails and says, "If I get out for this challenge, I'll be the biggest asshole on American television," or something of the sort. She already looked the part of it, so she came in a close second to Miley Cyrus.

I predicted that Wesley would be my favorite because of his adorable dorky looks (I claim him as potential husband material in my world). Well, unfortunately, they didn't show enough of him to begin my favoritism towards him! I was so upset. But, I loved his dress.

Okay, enough ranting. Let me talk about my new found obsession with Nico (If you don't know who Nico is, you better just leave). Since I'm such a Warhol freak, I've been a fan of the Velvet Underground for the longest time, and I just recently started to listen to her solo stuff, and I love it. Please, listen to "These Days," which is on my player there.

She's also a fantastic style icon as well. I would kill to pull off such a blunt fringe as hers. Unfortunately, my brown curly hair doesn't exactly want to style that way...

And I really apologize to those who like all the acoustic stuff and come on to my site and hear "Zombie Graveyard Party!" blarring from their speakers. Just hit the next button. and you'll probably get a calm song, such as "These Days."

Today is my friend's movie musical sleepover. I was asked to bring all my Sam Barnett movies to her house (!!!), but unfortunately, they're all on my DVR. I'm so bummed.

Thanks for all the feedback. Have a great weekend.


Ella Gregory said...

I've never watched Project Runway. I wasn't very keen on the collection the last winner created.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I haven't watched it yet so I won't read your review. I'll probably catch it tomorrow on youtube!

Cheyenne said...

That mask seriously creeps me out.