So, the olympics are over, and I'm going through withdrawal, especially from swimming. I love Michael Phelps (not just because of his gorgeous looks), and Ryan Lochte's an amazing swimmer too. I have been through a sad phase since the end of swimming.
Even worse, school's started; I hate it so much. It's as though summer never existed. I'm back to my usual schedule again. And I can never stay awake. I thought I would never survive Spanish this morning; my eyes kept drooping asleep.
So, enough about my sleeping patterns. Going back to school reminds me how much my district lacks in fashion. Some people have changed their fashion sense (a girl became one of those faux emo kids, and her hair is all chopped up), not fairly for the better, but I dunno. All the cool seniors left and are replaced with these TINY freshman. They all dress in Abercrombie & Fitch, wear Vera Bradleys, and are at least 5 feet tall. Ugh.
I shouldn't be complaining. That's very selfish of me.
On Sunday, I headed out to do some last minute shopping. I went to American Apparel, and I was sort of disappointed. Not in the store, of course, but the stuff I thought I would love looked terrible on me (like the AA frock on my back-to-school list). And my bag I wanted for school is far too small (I bought it anyways). But, I bought a couple other cool things too.
And remember that vintage store I mentioned a while back? So, I finally went, and it's now officially my favorite store. I bought a zillion things for only $60! And plus, an amazing pair of brown leather booties: only $15!! They're in fantastic condition, except for the soles. I told my mum that if she gets them re-solled (is that a word?), I'll pay for them once I get a job when I'm 16.
They also had this AMAZING blazer with zippers all over it. But, it was a bit big and would probably be impossible to tailor...so, it's either still at the store or someone's wearing it as we speak...
I'm probably going back out shopping with my mum this weekend for a new bag for school (I'm using my red one from last year; I don't want it to get ruined!). Which bag do you prefer out of these 2?
Oh well, I'll probs find something for sale.
Well, I'm done. Talk to you hopefully soon. School's probably gonna get busy...
Well, I'm done. Talk to you hopefully soon. School's probably gonna get busy...