Monday, October 13, 2008


I really LOATHE the name of this site.
It should go die along with lace-bottom leggings and rubber flip flops.
Link will be up soon...

And also, check her out:
I used to be on Xanga like her (Xanga has amazing photo sites by the way), and she's pretty awesome.
And she has a new post...
And I promise to actually update my next site, haha...

(Photo credit: you__model)


The Stylish Wanderer said...

tell me when!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I like the name of your site, but let me know when you move.

Tavi said...

I HATE MY NAME TOO. I do not know what state of mind I was in when I made my URL. Let us know when you're moving!

Anonymous said...

oooo Ginny you are so nice for linking me. Let me know when you move so I can link you!
